February 2023 4-H Newsletter
February 2023 Edition
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Winter Project Day
There will be a project day on Monday, February 20 at the Extension Office, Downstairs Meeting Room from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The cost is $10.00 and will include lunch. Participants will make projects that can be entered in the fair exhibit hall this summer. Space is limited to 15, no Cloverbuds. Register by February 13 to 270-586-4484 however spaces will be filled first come, first served.
Fort Campbell Spring Break Tour
Please see the attached flyer on a tour of Fort Campbell on Tuesday, April 4 (Spring Break). This is for ages 12 & up and parents are welcome to attend. This is being coordinated by Warren Co. 4-H so you call their office to sign up. I will be attending however transportation is on your own to/from the Warren Co. Extension Office (drop off 6:00 a.m. & pick up 5:30 p.m.). Deadline to sign up is March 15 however space is limited to 50 participants. Cost is $6.15 for lunch (must bring cash). All care package donations must be turned in before March 15.
Middle School Teen Summit
Teen Summit is a leadership retreat at 4-H Camp for Middle School youth held March 16-18. I will be taking our youth - we will leave afterschool on the 16th and return around lunchtime on the 18th. The event is held at West KY 4-H Camp and the cost is $125 plus money for supper on the way over & lunch on the way home. Registration packets can be picked up from the Extension office. Registration with payment is due by Monday, February 20 to the Simpson Co. Extension Office.
4-H Summer Camp
Enclosed you will find information on 4-H Camp. Simpson County can take 60 people to camp this year – our largest number ever. Registration opens March 1 and the cost is $200. This can be paid in $50 increments in March, April, May, & June. Fundraising opportunities will also be available including working Concert on the Square summer concessions (see mandatory concession meeting information above).
County Communications Contests are March 30 at Franklin Simpson Middle School
***Sign Up by March 17***
If you plan to participate in any of the communications contests and need assistance contact the extension office…we have lots of information to help youth prepare for these contests. If I picked just one program every 4-H member would participate in, it would be giving a speech or demonstration. Both myself and Amber Huggins would love to help youth get started and/or to practice with you ahead of time!
Senior Job Interview Contest: The Senior Mock Job Interview Contest will begin at 5:00 p.m. The categories are ages 14-15 and 16-18. Contestants will be applying for a mock job (vet technician, coffee bar attendant, photographer, or retail sales associate). The interview will be conducted with three judges and should last 8-10 minutes. Participants will need to bring 3 copies of your resume to the contest (select a mock job from above then prepare a resume accordingly). Additional information available at the Extension Office.
Talk Meet: The County 4-H Talk Meet will begin at 6:00 p.m. Categories include: Cloverbud, Age 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and Ages 17-18. Junior speeches must be 3-5 minutes and Senior speeches 5-7 minutes. Seniors are expected to choose a topic, research, and write their own speech. Juniors may have assistance getting started. No visual aids or costumes are allowed. Note cards are optional but allowed. Dress should be professional - no jeans or tennis shoes with dress pants for the guys and dress pants/skirts/dresses for the girls.
4-H Demonstration Guidelines and Rules: The County 4-H Demonstration Contest will also begin at 6:00 p.m. If you are giving both a speech and a demonstration you will give your speech first, then your demonstration. Demonstrations must be five minutes long and cannot be longer than fifteen minutes, with egg having a time limit of twelve minutes. Horse demonstrations must be 9-12 minutes. Have your category decided when you call to register.
- Demonstrations focus on the 4-H member telling and actively showing how something is made or a process is conducted. It usually has both summary posters and props used during the demonstration. Most of the steps in the process are demonstrated to the group.
- Demonstrations have 3 divisions: Cloverbud, Junior, & Senior, based on your age as of 1/1/23.
- 15 Categories: Agriculture, Animal Science, Foods, Clothing & Textiles, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Digital Media Presentation, Shooting Sports, Natural Resources, SET, and Team. Horse and Egg follow different rules.
- Seniors are expected to demonstrate original work, including choosing their topic, researching it, & writing their own demonstration. The internet may be used as a reference but not as a source for a non-original demonstration.
- Participants may have help setting up their demonstration but may NOT have help during the demonstration.
- Professional or appropriate dress is encouraged. Costumes and visual aids ARE permitted for demonstration categories. Demonstrations must have a poster or tri-fold board as aids during their demonstration!
- Live animals and people are not permitted as a demonstration aid. Weapons of any sort cannot be used. This includes firearms, bullets, bows and arrows. Mockup, models, or charts must be used instead however they cannot look like an actual gun, bow, arrow or other firearm.
- The judges will ask you simple questions at the end of your demonstration.
- The use of computers and presentation equipment is allowed in the presentation software category only, and electronic devices may be used in place of notecards.
Kentucky 4-H Written Communications Contest
Categories Include:
- “What 4-H Means to Me” Essay (minimum 500 words)
- Songwriting (lyrics only) - Songwriting can be found in the National 4-H Curriculum Picking up the Pieces, page 26.
- Poetry (3 line minimum and 25 line maximum) - Information on Poetry can be found here: Ohio State University the Writer in You, page 32.
- Press Release and Public Service Announcement: National 4-H Curriculum Putting it Together, page 26.
- Original Monologue: National 4-H Curriculum Theatre Arts Level 1- Beginner, page 17. Contact the Extension Office for a copy.
- Press Release (maximum of 1,000 words)
- Each county may submit two junior and two senior entries per category to the state.
- Each category will have a junior and senior class. Each writing piece must be original. If there is a question, the participant will be disqualified. A statement of authenticity must be completed and attached to entry. This is found on the entry form.
- All entries must be submitted to cwebster@uky.edu by Thursday, February 23.
- All entries are to be on 8" x 11" paper, with the entrant's class, name, and county on a cover page and last name typed on every page. Please include scoring guide and entry form at the back of the piece (available from the Extension Office).
- Entries are to be double-spaced, typed with Calibri size 12 font white paper. (Songs may be single spaced within verses, chorus and bridge and double spaced between each of these.)
- State winners will be showcased at the Kentucky State Fair.